Monday 29 July 2013

The 25 Richest People of All Time - inflation adjusted

 Who are the richest human beings ever? We've been researching this article for the last week so get ready to have your mind blown by these mega mega billionaires. The 25 people on this list are the wealthiest human beings to ever walk the earth. We started off with roughly 50 people then finalized the top 25 after adjusting for inflation to convert the fortunes into 2012 dollars. For example, the annual rate of inflation change between 1913 and 2012 is 2199.6% so $100 million in 1913 would be equal to $2.299.63 billion in 2012 dollars. We also used the most recent price for an once of gold which is roughly $1750 as of October 17, 2012.
In addition to some familiar modern names like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, our list features older magnates like Vanderbilt and Carnegie. We also included lesser known billionaires from history that you may have never even heard of before. We guarantee the #1 person on this list will make your jaw drop.
Fun Facts About The Richest People Who Ever Lived:
1) These billionaires control a combined $4.317 trillion!
2) The richest people ever are all men. Sadly No women cracked the top 25.
3) 14 out of the 25 people are Americans.
4) Bill Gates is the richest American and the richest person still alive on this list.
5) Carlos Slim Helu, the current richest person in the world, did not even crack the top 20.
 The 25 Richest People of All Time - inflation adjusted

  1. #1 Mansa Musa I – Net Worth $400 Billion
  2. #2 The Rothschild Family – $350 Billion
  3. #3 John D. Rockefeller – Net Worth $340 Billion
  4. #4 Andrew Carnegie – Net Worth $310 Billion
  5. #5 Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov – Net Worth $300 Billion
  6. #6 Mir Osman Ali Khan – Net Worth $230 billion
  7. #7 William The Conqueror – Net Worth $229.5 Billion
  8. #8 Muammar Gaddafi – Net Worth $200 Billion
  9. #9 Henry Ford – Net Worth $199 Billion
  10. #10 Cornelius Vanderbilt – Net Worth $185 Billion
  11. #11 Alan Rufus – $178.65 billion
  12. #12 Bill Gates – Net Worth $136 Billion
  13. #13 William de Warenne – Net Worth $147.13 Billion
  14. #14 John Jacob Astor – Net Worth $121 Billion
  15. #15 Richard Fitzalan 10th Earl of Arundel – Net Worth $118.6 Billion
  16. #16 John of Gaunt – Net Worth $110 Billion
  17. #17 Stephen Girard – Net Worth $105 Billion
  18. #18 A.T. Stewart – Net Wort $90 Billion
  19. #19 Henry Duke of Lancaster – Net Worth $85.1 Billion
  20. #20 Friedrich Weyerhauser – Net Worth $80 Billion
  21. #21 Jay Gould – Net Worth $71 Billion
  22. #22 Carlos Slim Helu – Net Worth $68 Billion
  23. #22 Stephen Van Rensselaer – Net Worth $68 Billion
  24. #23 Marshall Field – Net Worth $66 Billion
  25. #24 Sam Walton – Net Worth $65 Billion
  26. #25 Warren Buffett – Net Worth $64 Billion

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