Thursday 6 June 2013

Put God in Remembrance of His Promise

Isaiah 62:6 - "Put God in remembrance of His promises. Keep nit silent. Give Him no rest till it comes to pass."

Remind God what He said. It's one of the most powerful ways to pray. Find the promise in scripture and remind God what He said about you. When you can say "God you said" all of heaven will stand at attention because God is faithful to His own word!

Sometimes, we use prayer as an excuse to complain about problems in our lives. Work, gas prices, our children, etc. You don't have to tell God your problems. He already knows what you are going through. Yes be open and honest, but don't turn it into a self pity session. If you want to see change and see your situation turn around, find a promise you can stand on in scripture and go to God with His promise. "Gas prices are high, but God you said you will supply all of my needs and the people at work are getting on my nerves, but God you said you will fight all of my battles. God you said you would restore health upon me and heal my wounds. God, you said ALL things will work together for my good."

Pray the promise instead of the problems and it will change your situation from being the victim to the victor. God will dispatch His angels into motion when He hears His word coming from your mouth. Get into the habit of saying "God you said" and you will see the results in your life. Keep not silent and give Him no rest until it comes to pass! Be persistent and in faith go to God and remind Him over and over what He promised you! Present your case to God, bring forth your argument minus your own feelings and show your proof in the word. Jesus is our advocate!

Talking about the problems won't change the situation, but proper prayer changes things and it also changes you.

Inspired by teachings from Joel Osteen Ministries.

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